Christine Thelker © 2020 Dementia Stress

Anxiety/ Covid and Haircuts

Image source: Christine Thelker

I haven’t had a haircut since late January or early February. I’m scheduled to have a haircut this morning. I’m amazed at the anxiety this one seemingly small event has caused me the last few days. I don’t normally deal with anxiety but this has definitely created it. Along.

With lightening bolts blasting through my brain again for the last several days, and today it’s impacted my vision again, Anxiety and Stress create difficulties for people with dementia.

I’m hoping it will all settle out again after I get this darn haircut done. I’m wondering if it’s really worth what I’ve been going through though. My hair is just getting long enough to wear pulled up and back. I have been very careful since the covid 19 pandemic started, I’m not sure why the hairdresser is one thing that creates so much anxiety and other than that the pandemic has actually created some things that have made life easier for me, like special early morning shopping hour, it’s quiet, there isn’t a lot of other stimuli coming at me, the streets were quieter, less traffic, although the summer months have been extremely busy, and because by nature of the illness of dementia I live a more isolated life, I haven’t found it as difficult to manage through it as some others who are used to living on the fast turning wheel of life, since that changed with my diagnosis I live a more peaceful calm and serene life.

So covid for me has been manageable, I do all I can to protect myself, I find ways to do things I want to do in a safe manner, and sometimes we have to think outside the box to do it. I’ve spend an enormous amount of time in nature, where I thrive. And yet anxiety over load thinking about a haircut. Even that, I’ve picked a small shop where I can be first in, still anxiety prevails, I’m doing what I can to protect myself, I’ll wear my N95 mask.

Oh I’ll be glad to have this over with, I better go get ready.

By WWW.Chrissy's

I am an advocate for people with dementia in Canada and globally, having been diagnosed with younger onset dementia myself a few years ago.

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